Thursday 26 September 2013

DVD Cover and Poster research (Including questionnaire)

Media Movie Poster Analysis

Schindler's List includes the conventions of a dramatic film poster such as by putting the title at the top, a billing block at the bottom, a large powerful image and the monotone colours. The use of a black and white image makes it a more powerful image and creates a heartfelt message of sadness linking to the film. By using Schindler's list as an overlay makes the poster more prominent and powerful also by doing this it puts across the serious tone of the film to people who haven't seen the film. Also the font type used for the title links to the time period of which the film is set and the style of advertising at the time. The use of a black and white colour scheme conveys the seriousness and sorrow of the film. By creating a simple poster it makes the film easy to remember and powerful. Also the schindler's list poster is seen as an iconic poster due to it's simplicity and recognisability.

The poster links to the conventions of a film poster because it has a clear billing block, a title in large lettering and the character in the centre. The fact that the main character is wearing a suit connotes the serious nature of the film and that this character is very powerful which in turn links to the genre of action/Mafia film because it has one powerful individual. Furthermore by including a dash of colour through the use of a rose creates a sub-conscious link in the mind of the audience of violence and the colour red. By using a dark background and only using an isolated figure connoted a sinister undertone and mystery. The image is also looking down on you implying that the character is above you and has a sense of power over you.
The inclusion of the two key actors it grabs the audiences attention and makes it clear to the audience who is starring in the film also because they are well established actors it attracts a wider audience for the film. The other image that is used (located at the bottom) is key plot point within the film making it an iconic moment within the film also it makes the film iconic therefore more recognisable meaning that more people will notice it. It contains bright and dark shadings of colours therefore creating contrast and grabs the audiences attention. Also it includes many of the conventions of a movie poster such as the title, a billing block, key actors and possibly a quote about the film. Furthermore the white text for the title creates a greater amount of contrast making it stand out more therefore gaining more of the audiences attention.

DVD Cover Analysis

The use of the film poster creates brand uniformity and by including the image it makes the casing iconic and easy to identify. Also by including the dark colours it helps convey the serious tone and nature of the film. Also by adding the amount of awards it has won shows that it is a well respected film which is rated highly by the cinematic community. Furthermore by including the Steven Spielberg's name it attracts a greater audience because Spielberg is a well respected director. Also by including prestigious actors such as Ralph Fiennes, Liam Neeson and Ben Kingsley it will attract a wider audience which rate these actors highly. Also by including Schindler's list written over the image links to the film and gives the DVD cover greater meaning and emotion. Furthermore by using a limited number of colours it makes the design simplistic and makes it more stylish and professional. The text font that is used is also very stylish and a possible convention of the time period. Also the use of the colour red from the clothing is a possible representation of the blood shed within the story. Schindler's list was seen as a recognisable movie meaning that by using a simplistic design it makes it iconic and recognisable due to the large amounts of praise that was given to it. 

The use of "The Godfather" logo helps the audience identify the film and it creating brand uniformity therefore making it iconic. Also the inclusion of the main character makes the DVD iconic and it creates brand uniformity. Also the use of dark colours conveys the serious nature of the film. Also by including the red and black it represents the power within the film and the violence throughout. Also the text style used is sophisticated and conveys the serious tone of the film. Also it includes many of the conventions that is expected within a DVD cover such as a barcode, a production company and a billing block. Also by using a filter on the images it creates a convention of film/ TV shows of 1972.  Furthermore because of the dark colours it also gives the film more of a classical feel and give of the image of a well respected film which is also a classical film. The Godfather DVD cover also uses simplistic colours which are also associated with sophistication and power (the use of black, gold and red makes the cover more sophisticated and powerful). Furthermore, by making the main character wear a suit it creates the image that the character is powerful and sophisticated.

The use of image is vital because it represents a key plot point within the film making it easily recognisable and attract the target audience. Also the DVD cover includes many of the conventions expected such as a billing block, a synopsis, a barcode and production  company logo. By using white text on a black background it creates contrast and makes the title stand out therefore making the film recognisable. Also the inclusion of a synopsis help persuade the audience to purchase the DVD and explain what the film is about. Also by including a separate picture of the main actor it appeals to a wider audience and creates a further link between the character, the actor and the film.  Furthermore by using dark colours it is a possible convention of the time period of when the film was set in (1940's). The use of quotes from film critics gives the image that the film is well respected and credited as a great film. The cover conveys the tone of the movie and the serious/emotional nature of the film.


1.      Are you male or female?
2.      How often do you watch movies/films per month?
3.      What genre of films do you prefer?
4.      Does the key character need to be evident on the poster?
5.      Does a actor's name affect whether you choose to watch a film?
6.      Does the storyline need to be clear on a film poster?
7.      Does the storyline need to be clear on a DVD cover?
8.      Is colour necessary to attract an audience to a film?
9.      On a DVD cover, would the inclusion of nominations and awards persuade you to watch a film?
10.  Would the use of a vague title for a film, intrigue you to find out more about the film?

Friday 20 September 2013

Pre-Production and Production Ideas

Pre-Production Idea

I plan to draft 2 DVD covers for my own film idea and one film poster and a teaser poster draft which will include all the codes and conventions of a DVD cover.

Production Idea
I plan to create 2 official promotional film posters and a DVD cover for my own film idea which will include all the codes and conventions of a film poster/DVD cover.