Friday 8 November 2013



This is my pre-production which contains two movie drafts and two DVD covers which is a plan of what I hope to recreate for my production. The posters I am going to make are for the crime/gangsters genre.
This is a film poster for the film i have created which is called "The Wrong Guys".  It clearly shows the main characters of the film and follows the codes and conventions of a movie poster such as having the main actors and title clearly displayed, an image which is simple therefore it is recognisable and easy to associate with the brand of the film. Also the font I have chosen to use helps convey the genre of Drama because the font style suggests possibly sophistication which is associated with suits and traditional gangsters. Also by using the same font type it creates anchorage and brand uniformity.

This is a simple teaser poster for the film I have created called "The Wrong Guys" also it follows codes and conventions of a film poster such as giving limited details about the film and having one isolated image (normally the main actor/s) also by having limited text it follows the codes and conventions a teaser poster. One weakness of the teaser is that the poster has very limited information but it because it's a teaser it is a convention furthermore the poster will be made clearer and more professional when it is created in production.
This a DVD cover for the film I have created "The Wrong Guys" it follows the codes and conventions of a normal DVD cover such as using the film poster as the front cover therefore creating anchorage of a brand and making it a possible iconic image also the DVD cover draft follows all the codes and conventions such as the inclusion of a synopsis, a billing block, special features and the production company, the actors and other key people from the crew of the film.
This is another DVD cover for the film I have created "The Wrong Guys" which follows some of the  codes and conventions of a DVD cover such as having the main actors and the title clearly displayed and has the production company, age rating and it contains the necessary information such as a synopsis, a billing block and special features.